ANIMMA 2023 - Workshop N°3: Nuclear security & Emergencies in homeland security

Dear colleagues,

It has been a pleasure and a honor for the Coordinator of the #MasterCBRNe co-organize, together with Dr. Massimo Morichi from CAEN sys, the ANIMMA 2023 - Workshop N°3: Nuclear security & Emergencies in homeland security.


An occasion to learn from the contributors from the Italian Prime Ministry Office (Dr. Francesco Geri), the NBC School of Rieti (Gen.B. Riccardo Fambrini), the National Protection University of Ukraine (Prof. Maxim Kustov), the University of Rome Tor Vergata (Prof. Andrea Malizia), the University of Pisa (Dr. Andrea Chierici) and CAEN sys (Dr. Massimo Morichi and Dr. Giacomo Mangiagalli).


A very nice 8 hours of work with the participations of expert from France, Ukraine, Portugal and Czech Republic.


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